Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I made it to Panama!

Just letting you guys that I made it to Panama City a little over an hour ago.

It has already been interesting. My flight from Austin to Houston was delayed..not to mention that I had 45 minutes to connect. I was a bit concerned. We landed in Houston at 8:25am, were standing in the plane waiting for them to open the doors...and my next flight - Houston to Panama City was supposed to start boarding at 8:25am.

But luck was on my side this time. The Panama City flight was only 3 gates away from where my Houston flight landed. I had enough time to walk over to the gate, sit down for 2 minutes (yes 2 minutes!!!), then start boarding. It was close. And of course, I did not want a repeat of Africa...I was worried that my luggage wouldnt make the flight. Oh the anticipation...

I arrived in Panama City around 2pm. Visa, immigration, luggage. I waited and waited and waited...Yes!!! My backpack made it! I was a happy camper. On through customs and out to find transport to the city.

I am staying at Zulys and did as suggested -- went upstairs and tried to find a taxi for $15, but they were going to charge $25. I bargained him down to $20, but I passed. Instead, I did a shared cab to the city for $11.

And another mistake on my part about money...I did not realize until late last night that the dollar is used here. I am kind of screwed. I brought some big bills that are going to be hard to change. Must hit the atms...well, I will figure it out.

All right, I think it is time to hit the market, find some water (I am sweating like a pig!!), then explore a bit.


Reader Of The Pack said...

I'm glad you made it OK!

Madhu Reddy said...

Glad you did not have the Africa episode and to think I was not there to loan some t-shirts.