Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Panama Canal pics - Jan 30, 2008

I'm slowly but surely uploading some pictures on my flickr account. The internet speed here is decent, but not excellent, so uploading is pretty slow.

I just wanted to share some pictures from my visit to the Panama Canal on Jan 30th. It was a pretty adventurous way of getting there, but I did make it on the public buses and by foot. Needless to say, I was the only tourist going to the canal this way. Everyone else whizzed by me on their mega tour buses as I walked my way to the canal. But I like it that way. I met a really nice security guard who showed me the way to go.

Click on the pictures to see the bigger picture.

Railroad tracks on the way to the Panama Canal

Panama Canal

Miraflores Locks

The obligatory "I've been to the Panama Canal" shot -- apparently on a windy day!

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